

十大彩票平台为所有学生提供电子访问他们的许多教育记录(成绩), 课程表, 分班考试成绩, 经济援助奖励信息, 和账单信息)通过 ARIES. Additionally, students have the right to request access to view other records maintained by the College, and to request amendment of any records they believe to be inaccurate, incomplete, misleading, 或者侵犯了他们的隐私. 学生应参观 注册主任办公室网页 to request access to records unavailable on ARIES. 根据联邦法律的要求, the College will respond to all requests to review records within 45 days.

Official transcripts of a student's grades can be obtained through the 记录请求 process.


一些记录(以及重要的表格和文件)将被送到学生的家庭住址. 因此,学生在学院保持正确的地址信息是很重要的. Address changes are processed in the Registrar’s Office and include:

  • in-person requests with valid identification
  • emails requests received from an 十大彩票平台 Gmail account
  • 从美国寄来的回信.S. 邮政服务 (returned mail that is received with a forwarding address from the U.S. 我们会处理邮政服务,并以电邮通知学生更改在十大彩票平台存档的地址。

Additionally, 在每学期开始的时候, the Registrar’s Office updates student addresses based on information received from the U.S. 邮政服务.  当以这种方式处理地址变更时,将向学生发送电子邮件通知.


十大彩票平台 is committed to protecting the privacy of student's educational records, and abides by the 学生资料私隐政策.  


1974年的《十大彩票平台》(FERPA)赋予学生有关学业成绩的某些权利. In compliance with the law the College has established the following policy:

1) All students, current and former, have a right to inspect and review their academic records. 要求查看不能在线提供给学生的信息必须以书面形式向注册办公室提出.  No confidential information (for example, students' schedules, grades, GPA, etc.)  is released over the telephone or without positive identification.  学院不会向学生发布学生学术档案中包含的原始文件.  When physical distance makes the examination of the records impractical, the College will provide to the student copies of the records.  The College will respond to all requests to review records within 45 days.

2)学生有权要求修改其学业成绩,以确保其不准确, incomplete, misleading, 或者侵犯了他们的隐私.  希望要求学院修改的学生应写信给负责记录的学院官员, clearly identify the part of the record the student wants changed, 并说明为什么要更改它. If the College denies a student's request to amend his/her record, 这个学生有权参加听证会.

3)保密学生信息, also referred to as "personally identifiable information,"未经学生事先书面同意不得释放,除非联邦法律规定有例外情况.  For example, 具有“合法教育利益”的学校官员可以访问学生的机密记录:

  1. 内部教育目的;
  2. routine administrative and statistical purposes;
  3. instructing and advising a student in an academic area; and
  4. 紧急情况下.

这些人包括教师, 管理员, 文书及专业人员, 其他需要学生档案资料以有效执行职务的人员.  "Confidential student records" include students' grades, 课程表, 纪律记录, and all other non-directory information contained in a student's record.  如果获得的信息被认为是目录信息,则不保留访问记录, is required for normal clerical maintenance of a file, or is seen by College personnel in the normal performance of their responsibilities.


  • Name
  • 地址(包括十大彩票平台电邮地址)
  • 主修领域
  • Certificates/degrees earned (and dates of graduation)
  • 出勤日期及入学状况
  • 学术指定和奖励(e.g.、院长名单、学术奖学金等

This information may be released by the College without a student's prior written consent.  学生可以通过书面联系注册办公室来选择保留目录信息.

一般来说,学校必须得到符合条件的学生的书面许可,才能公布学生教育记录中的任何信息. However, FERPA allows schools to disclose those records, 不同意, to the following parties or under the following conditions:

  • School officials with legitimate educational interest
  • Other schools in which a student seeks or intends to enroll
  • Specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes
  • Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student
  • Organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the school
  • 认证机构
  • 与学院签订合同作为其代理提供服务的个人或公司,而不是使用学院的雇员或官员(如律师), auditor, 或代收)
  • A person serving on the 校董会 with a legitimate educational interest
  • 在官方委员会任职的学生, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks
  • To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena
  • Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies

6) Notwithstanding the College's definition of directory information, 美国国防部(简称“国防部”), pursuant to the Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Act of 1997 (the "Solomon Amendment"), identifies the following information as "student recruiting information":  NAME, ADDRESS, 电话清单, AGE, 出生地点, 教育程度(e).g., freshman, sophomore), 学位授予, MOST RECENT EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION ATTENDED, 当前专业(S)如果学院收到来自国防部的学生十大彩票平台请求, 或者它的下属机构之一, the College will release the student recruiting information requested.  因为国防部寻求的信息可能包括学院政策下未指定为目录信息的信息, 遵守国防部的要求可能导致个人身份信息的发布.  When student recruiting information is released pursuant to a DOD request, 有关申请及资料公布的通知将会张贴于教务处的显眼位置,为期一学年. 如学生已行使其权利要求不将任何资料指定为目录资料, then no information shall be released to any third party, 包括国防部

7)学生有权 提出投诉 与美国教育部就学院未能遵守FERPA的指控进行了交涉.

General Data Protections Regulations (GDPR)



In the unlikely event 十大彩票平台技术社区学院 were to discontinue operations, 安排将与 Massachusetts Department of Higher Education (DHE), 阿什伯顿广场一号, Room 1401, Boston, MA 02108-1696, (617) 994-6950, for the filing and maintenance of academic records. 十大彩票平台将采取合理的措施通知在校生和以前的学生有关存档和维护学业记录的安排. In addition, 学院的认证机构, the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE), 在学院停止运作的情况下,学校会通知学生存档和保存学业记录吗.  十大彩票平台, while a public college, would also comply with the DHE’s Notice of Closure Guidelines for Independent Institutions. 高等教育学院和高等教育学院都在各自的网站上公布了获取关闭院校记录的信息 http://www.mass.edu/forstufam/diplomas/closedinst.asp and http://www.neche.org/for-the-public/faq/#college-closure分别. 

如果十大彩票平台在所有注册学生完成他们的学习计划之前停止运营或终止项目, the College would implement a teach-out plan in accordance with the requirements of NECHE, and may also consider refunds to students as appropriate.  NECHE’s Policy on Teach-Out Plans and Teach-Out Agreements is posted at http://www.neche.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/PP13a-Teach-Out-Plans-and-Agreements.pdf